Get Better Grades & Test Scores in 4 Weeks or Less
Without crippling stress, overwhelming test anxiety, and inconsiderate teachers
Amazing Tutors
Most of our Tutor U expert tutors are COLLEGE STEM MAJORS so they know how to RELATE to and best communicate tough concepts to struggling students. Many students have boasted how FUN, ENGAGING, PATIENT, and RELATABLE their tutor is.
Flexible Scheduling
Our tutors are one text away! Students & parents are able to TEXT or EMAIL their tutor directly to schedule 1-ON-1 tutoring sessions OVER ZOOM around their packed calendar. We even do WEEKENDS! Can't make a meeting? No problem, just reschedule with your tutor.
No Commitment & Guarantee
No commitment and PAY-AS-YOU-GO. Tell your tutor when you’d like to meet, and only pay for the time you need.
Dear students & parents,
It's normal to feel lost when prepping for an exam or trying to pass a class. It's Tutor U's mission to take you from lost to thriving. In fall 2020 when school went online, I began tutoring. I reached capacity and upon graduating from the University of Central with a degree in mechanical engineering in December 2020, I started Tutor U to help as many struggling students as possible! Our company is built on a personalized approach to fit each individual student, transparent communication, and expert teachers, college STEM majors, and recent grads who have an an infectious enthusiasm for the subjects they tutor. Brady Kelly Tutor U Owner & Founder |